AgeWell Vision: All older persons will age well in nurturing communities that promote social and emotional well-being and physical health.
AgeWell Mission: AgeWell is dedicated to supporting people as they age; reducing isolation and building communities around older persons with and without means, contributing to better emotional, social and physical health.
About AgeWell
AgeWell is a peer-based wellness program committed to promoting the health and well-being of older persons and keeping them out of hospitals and institutions. The AgeWell model introduces a new way of working that taps into an existing resource for renewed purposes. Older persons are not the problem, they are the solution.
AgeWell’s unique model includes:
engaging older people as companions, called AgeWells,
reducing isolation and building communities around older people,
employing mobile health technologies to support client wellness, and
recommending referrals to existing medical and social service providers.